Lightbulb Sessions

Lightbulb Sessions

A series of workshops exploring what data driven theatre and performing arts is and could be.


Beginning August 2024, continuing monthly until July 2025


Remote and in-person at CodeBase, 37a Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2EL

In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison created the first commercially practical incandescent light. A lightbulb. In 1881 the Savoy Theatre in London replaced limelight and footlights with the first complete electric theatre. Lightbulbs quickly became the dominant theatre technology in the 20th Century. This had a profound impact on the form, style, even reasons for making theatre. Actors acted differently. Writers wrote differently. The world was looked at and understood differently because of the humble lightbulb.


Data-driven technology has revolutionised our everyday lives at least as much as the lightbulb. So how is it going to change theatre and live performance? Come to the Lightbulb Sessions and imagine what data driven theatre and live performance could and should be. 


The sessions will be led by hacker, inventor and tech journalist Rupert Goodwins with playwright and Artistic Director of Civic Digits, Clare Duffy.


The Lightbulb Sessions are monthly workshops looking at a different aspects of data driven theatre: From exploring what data driven tech is and how you could/should use it, to IP and contracts, from finding and commissioning technologists, to designing inclusivity and accessibility into new tech, to thinking about security and ecologically responsible tech.


Each month there will be a different topic, an expert speaker and exercises supporting you to develop your new ideas for new tech. At the end of the 12 months there will be two grants of £2000 available to apply for to get a new idea started, which Civic Digits and its partners will mentor and support. 


The Lightbulb Sessions: The Essentials:


A new workshop series intended to foster collaborative innovation and creative expression within the Scottish data driven theatre and performing arts community. The programme will offer:


– An expert speaker each month.
– The option to take part part both online and at Codebase, Edinburgh
– The chance to apply for micro grants to start making your own technology for theatre/live performance.
– A new data driven theatre online hub.
– Excellent snacks.


Last Wednesday of the month, 3:30pm-5:30pm, August 2024 – July 2025. Post-session socials, 6pm-8pm.



10 places available for theatre makers in Scotland and 10 places for creative technologists.



Salaried individuals £240 (12 sessions). Up to 10 spaces available at no cost to freelancers.


Apply for entry to the Lightbulb Sessions by emailing


If you would like to take part, please send an expression of interest, (of approximately 200 words) to Civic Digits explaining why you would like to take part, as well as if you are requesting a subsidy, by Friday 12 July.

Session 1: 28th August | Data driven theatre, what the heck is it?

What is Data Driven Theatre and what it could be. How Civic Digits got here, a demo of Super Swipe, the app Civic Digits developed to power their project, The Big Data Show. Introduction of seed funds and facilitate participants to start generating ideas.

Speakers: Clare & Rupert


Session 2: 25th September | Using Stories to Interrogate Data and Tech.

How language and story can be the old technology that allows us to understand the new.

 Speakers: Pip Thornton demonstrates her work with Ray Interactive:


Session 3: 30th October | Iterative design

We explore software development processes and working with technologists in a performance context – new language, timelines and processes. It will be Leo in person, possibly also Mel if available.

Speaker: Leonie Rae Gasson from Produced Moon


Session 4: 27th November | Funding

How to talk to funding agencies about data-driven drama, before and during the application process. What funding is available?

Speakers: Ashley Smith-Hammond at Creative Scotland and Onyinye Igbokwe Codebase Head of Central Scotland


Session 5: 18th December | Cyber Security

What does cybersecurity look like when you build tech for other people to use

Speaker: Rupert Goodwins



Session 6: 29th January | Accessibility

Exploring accessibility in theatre and digital arts practice and the importance of designing in access from the very beginning to increase impact and inclusion for disabled people and those with access requirements.

Speaker: Robert Softely Gale from Birds of Paradise


Session 7: 26th February | IP

Introduction to how IP law applies to software, who owns what and when, licensing and open source. How to contract and protect yourself and your idea.

Speaker: IP Lawyer Stephen Grant


Session 8: 26th March | AI and encoded bias

Tech has huge potential to reach new people and to exclude others, so how do you get it right?

Speaker: AI Alliance


Session 9: 30th April | Culture Clash: Finding the right tech and the right technologists.

What are the culture differences between tech and performance, how to keep good comms flowing?

Speaker: Harpreet Kaur:


 Session 10: 28th May | Climate

Explain the good and bad climate implications of digital tech, in the context of using it in the performing arts

Speaker: Alex McCartney-Moore from Considerate Digital


Session 11: 25th June | Ecosystem

Building, mapping and navigating the creative industries ecosystems in Scotland, particularly through the lens of games and gaming.

Speaker: Brian Baglow, Scottish Games Network:


Week 12: 23rd July | What next?

Rupert and Clare: Presenting new ideas, where to go from here, celebrating a full year of Lightbulb Sessions
